Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) has become increasingly popular over the last ten years as it is a natural way to stimulate and boost the production of collagen and elastin. It also improves the overall appearance and texture of the skin.
PRP is used for treating wrinkles, pigmentation, rosacea, acne scaring. PRP can also be used used as a hair loss treatment by stimulating the hair follicles.
The PRP treatment starts with a blood draw the PRP tube is then put in to a centrifuge which separates of the blood from the plasma. The end result is what we call GOLD which is concentrated platelets rich bioactive proteins.
We inject this back in to the skin with needles and micro needling. Then finish by using the gold as a serum.
How many sessions are required and aftercare
We recommend 3 to 4 sessions and once you have reached your desired result once every 3 to 6 months.
Allow 12 hours between treatment and using face creams and wearing makeup.
Do not take anti inflammatories as they counteract the treatment.
Do not drink for 24 hours.
Prices from £169
PRP For hair loss
PRP for Hairloss?
People have PRP for hair loss to stimulate inactive hair follicles in to active growth. The
The main purpose of PRP injections for hair restoration is to stimulate inactive hair follicles into active growth. Platelet cells promote healing and accelerate tissue regeneration and new cellular growth. They stimulate stem cells in the environment of the hair follicle, which is believed to contribute to hair growth.
Growth factors are substances required for the stimulation of growth in living cells. Alpha granules in platelets contain a variety of growth factors that are released in the healing process.
Benefits of having PRP
It is a natural treatment using your own blood.
It is a simple no surgical procedure
Procedure takes less than one hour
No downtime after treatment
Safe, natural-looking results
If you have weak quality or thinning hair, where functioning hair follicles can still be observed, or small bald spots on the scalp, you may be a good candidate for PRP hair restoration. Schedule a consultation with us to find out if this natural hair loss treatment is recommended for you.
Prices from £179